Telus: Top of a Monopolistic Industry

Telus has added 113,000 more users in its third-quarter results, substantially higher than the numbers of its competitors such as Bell and Rogers (Brownell). Telus’ sales over the years, as seen below, has also reflected its corporate growth. Darren Entwistle, Telus’ CEO, states [the growth rate] “That really is reflective of our industry-leading customer loyalty rate” (Brownell). Mobile and cable services lean toward a monopoly industry, as barriers to entry are nearly insurmountable due to the massive initial capital required and the unique service that corporations in the industry provide.

Based on Entwistle’s statement, a high customer loyalty rate, in the context of this industry, can more likely be attributed to superior customer service as opposed to low pricing strategies. Since Telus has been able to retain its customers and expand its network, efficient and effective customer service must be a key component to its success. The employee attitudes toward customers is linked with the corporate culture within the company.

To boost employee morale, incentives are commonly used; however, a more permanent alternative is an intrinsic motivation from the employee who believes his work truly adds value and has societal importance. This concept was introduced by economist Steven Levitt. However, it is often difficult for employees to place their job on such a pedestal, especially in larger corporations such as Telus where corporate culture must extend to every branch of the company.

telus growth(“Dividend”)


Works Cited

Brownell, Claire.  “Telus winning the battle to attract new customers and keep existing ones.”

            Financial Post.  Postmedia Network Inc.,  6 Nov. 2014.  Web.  7 Nov. 2014.  <http://


“Dividend Yield: Telus Corporation (T).”  The Passive Income Earner.  The Passive Income Earner,

28 Apr. 2011.  Web.  7 Nov. 2014.  <


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