“Chinese smugglers make big bucks on iPhone 6”

I heard that there were so many Chinese people waiting outside the Apple Store for buying iphone6 in Vancouver two days before the sale of iphone6. Most of them bought iphone for smuggling and making money, which is similar to the fact that is mentioned in the news “Chinese smugglers make big bucks on iPhone 6”. Here is my thought after I reading this news:

  • Some people in China are loyal to the brand of “Apple”, so they are willing to pay $1,800 for iphone6, in order to be the first users, which let smugglers make big bucks.
  • China offers a huge market to Apple. All the other “Apple” products sell well in China, including iphone5 and iphone5s. I predict that iphone6 will also be popular later.
  • Chinese economy increases rapidly, so more people have the ability to buy the products like iphone6 and other advanced things.
  • The regulation in China is not rigorous enough. That’s why smugglers have the chance to make money by the way of selling iphone6 in higher price.
  • Many people in China still prefer to buy products with brand popularity and reputation. Therefore, iphone6 can be so popular. However, increasing number of people change their concepts and they are going to buy “Xiaomi” that has the similar function as iphone, but it is much cheaper. In the future, Apple may have more competitors in Chinese smart phone market, because the change of people’s concepts, as well as the improvement of Chinese technology.



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