Felicia Firdaus's Blog

Just Googled it!

March 22nd, 2011 · No Comments

This week post is about Google. I read Winda Fung’s blog post titled “Parisian Love”. She commented the Google video ads with the same title and praised how the advertising is so simple yet meaningful. The video conveys that Google can help you find anything, it is very easy to use and it is fast. This is one example where Google try to create a message toward consumer to make them realize that Google has been a part of their lives.

Nowadays, many people use Google to find things in internet. The term “Google” itself has become a verb and recognized worldwide.  I also use Google to find everything that I need starting from sources from my assignment, housing listing to recent updates from my favourites artists. You may say that I have been successfully captured by Google promotional strategy, but I have reasons why I still prefer using Google other than the other search engines. I have tried using several other search engines such as Yahoo and Bing but in the end I always come back and using Google. When Bing by Microsoft was launched, I was curious to try it to see if it is better than Google. I like how they design their layout with nice wallpaper and have these fancy features such as visual search. However, those things that actually the one that draws me back to Google. It is true that these features is new and cool but it makes them lose the main purpose of using the search engines itself which is to find things in internet fast, easy and relevant. Google uses white background makes it faster to load and easier to navigate throughout the page and the visual search is confusing to use. The practicality and simplicity of Google website are the reasons that make the customer loves Google.

In addition with lots of innovation such as launching Android phones, Google docs, Google TV and good reputations such as the best workplace, Google image has become more positive and thus create stronger brand image which appeal the customer to use more of its product.

image source : googlesystem.blogspot.com

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