Felicia Firdaus's Blog

Cool Coke’s Eco Apparel

March 10th, 2011 · No Comments

This week blog is inspired by my classmate Mackenzie’s Bowen post, “Go Green”. In her blog, she talked about the trend of how nowadays businesses are going green and there are many benefits.  This marketing strategy is not only intended to help the environment itself, but mainly to attract environmentally conscious customers and to cut the companies’ costs in the long run.

On this blog post, I would like to tell you about Coca Cola smart brand extension.  Their “go green” action has successfully earned them not only the three benefits mentioned above, but also a chance to make some extra profit.

Made out of the recycled plastic cokes bottle, coca cola are making apparels and accessories likes t-shirts, caps and chairs to be sold in the coca cola online store. Most of the apparels such as t-shirt carries encouraging message for people to recycle.

Personally, I’d really like the idea of eco apparel made by coca cola. I think this is an innovative brand extension and a very good application of “go green” marketing strategy.  The designs are also very nice and simple which makes very appealing to buy.

If you are interested in learning more about what Coca cola do for recycling or just to learn recycling in general, go visit the coca cola website. They have many educational video about recycling process such as how separating materials for recycling process.

image sources : thegreenworkplace.com, greenr.ca

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