marketing at first sight

my 296 sidenotes

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Seth Godin: “When should we add marketing?”

Seth‘s got lots of insights. I want to comment on one of his blog posts, “When should we add marketing?”. He identifies two eras in marketing; the first being when marketing was all about telling the world “We’ve made a product; come check it out” and the other being when marketing is the product itself and […]

On the importance of a focused target market

One of the most valuable lessons I have taken from my marketing class to-date is how essential having a focused target market is to the success of any business. Going wrong on that one aspect could be disastrous, from hampering the company’s progress to being much more vulnerable to swings in the market. “You can’t […]

Tell me a story, maybe?

I’m sure many of you reading this have had to sit through 5 annoying seconds of a YouTube ad. Yes, 5 seconds is all an advertiser’s got to keep us hooked. Because, let’s be honest, we skip the ad right away. But not always. Sometimes, watching through an ad feels just right. Which brings me […]

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