Welcome to Finance Fundamentals
Finance Fundamentals is a project developed by undergraduate students from UBC Sauder School of Business. Let’s hear from the project PI, Darren Degraaf for an introduction of our project website.
How to Navigate This Site
Students can navigate to the Tutorial Video tab and select from one of four video modules. Within each of the four, students can scroll down to view all the videos in the module. Each video includes a set of practice questions where students can test their understanding and apply the concepts from the video. To increase accessibility, video transcripts are available for download in PDF version. Students can revisit the practice problems at any time via the Practice Materials tab, where practice questions from all modules will be available.
Please attribute these resources, using the following:
These resources were created by the Sauder Finance Fundamentals TLEF Team and produced with support from the UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund. The original is available under the terms of the CC-BY-NC-SA license at https://blogs.ubc.ca/financefundamentals/.