Skills and Experiences


Microcredit Department Intern (2015), Salama SHIELD Foundation (SSF), Uganda

  • Developed and maintained an Excel database of confidential loan disbursal and repayment information to manage and electronically record formally paper-based data, enabling the efficient expansion of the microcredit program
  • Researched the effects of microcredit on gender relations in Lyantonde district, using strong communication skills to tactfully conduct semi-structured group interviews in translation
  • Arranged personal travel itineraries and visas

Sustainable Development Research Assistant (2017), British Columbia Council for International Cooperation

  • Used strong interpersonal skills to coordinate and lead a team of seven volunteer interns to research, write and edit the report Where Canada Stands, published at the inaugural UN High Level Political Forum (HLPF) to highlight Canada’s varied progress towards attaining the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Exchanged emails to schedule and conduct interviews with experts across Canada, before analyzing data to identify and articulate existing and often masked, geographic and demographic inequalities
  • Compiled a brief and summarized information to successfully write an article published by the International Institute for Sustainable Development that communicates key findings to the public

Policy Research Analyst Intern (2016-2017), British Columbia Council for International Cooperation

  • Analysed the alignment of municipal and regional plans with the UN SDGs to design quantitative indicators and produce five riding- and municipal-scale scorecards using MS PowerPoint and Excel
  • Worked closely with a team to identify and collect quantitative data that enables coordination between small and medium civil society organizations and municipal policymakers across B.C.

Undergraduate Author and Conference Presenter (2016), Trail 6: Undergraduate Journal of Geography, UBC

  • Interviewed five housing providers and surveyed 37 residents of the False Creek neighbourhood to conduct a social housing research study exploring the built environment’s role in social inclusion
  • Clearly and concisely wrote a report, publishing our findings in an undergraduate research journal to codify the role of social housing in relationship building for long-term vulnerability reduction
  • Developed visual aids and used strong oral communication skills to succinctly present findings at the Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers conference

Wicked Problems / Strategic Design Methodology Graduate Research Assistant (2017), Office of Regional and International Community Engagement, University of British Columbia

  • Wrote and assisted in the development of three grant applications and an interim report to support the development of innovative, community-engaged courses that will teach problem-solving skills
  • Worked independently with limited supervision to synthesize research articles, identifying content for a UBC course exploring “wicked problems,” a term used to describe complex social issues
  • Developed ‘problem statement’ handouts in collaboration with an organization in India to teach students vital problem-solving skills in an experiential education environment

Community Planning Intern (2016), City of Cambridge Community Development Department, Massachusetts

  • Worked as an integral part of a team to train, facilitate and lead a diverse group of youth to conduct focus groups, gathering community data for the formation of Cambridge’s city-wide plan
  • Took minutes during stakeholder consultations as well as collating and summarizing survey data

Customer Service Representative and Cashier (2014), Windy-Lo Tree Nursery, MA

  • Worked closely with the staff team to quickly learn information about gardening and organic farming in order to responded to inquiries from stakeholders and the public by phone and in person, providing accurate and individualized customer service


Oxfam UBC Club President(2016 – 2017), Alma Mater Society, University of British Columbia

  • Scheduled weekly meetings, booked rooms, arranged refreshments and communicated clearly with speakers and business sponsors to engage over 200 community members in social justice initiatives
  • Coordinated a team of more than 20 volunteers, using strong organizational skills to host over a dozen events, including developing digital materials and managing the club’s social media pages
  • Corresponded effectively with student volunteers to address individuals’ concerns and ensure that the club was an inclusive space for all, developing our “Ox-Family”

Student Leader (2016 – 2017), Office of Regional and International Community Engagement, UBC

  • Researched and assisted in the preparation of a grant application to Global Affairs Canada
  • Coordinated 10 volunteers and planned the annual International Service Learning Symposium attended by approximately 100 people to enable students to share their global experiences locally
  • Communicated effectively in person and online with a team to ensure that focus groups were organized and analyzed promptly in order to understand students’ needs for experiential education

Sponsorship Director, Red Cross Club (2015 – 2016), Alma Mater Society, University of British Columbia

  • Established connections through letter writing and emails with local organizations to secure event resources and prizes to maximize funds raised for our international appeals
  • Supported other executives in their roles to coordinate events and volunteers

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