Not “me” trained

I am writing this blog post only because I am under the impression that I must blog for my current course. For the record I have created 5 different blogs under different hosts, and while I enjoyed the process of figuring out the interface, all of them are taking up dormant storage space somewhere.

It’s just that I hate blogging.

I am a librarian. My entire existence is figuring out what “you” need and helping “you” get there. I spend my days, my money,  and my energies on the hunt for things that other people are interested in. I work fast, hard, and pretty-much solo.

Wikipedia defines a blog as a, “running account of one’s personal life”. Spending time typing the chronicled details of the days chase seems, “meh.”

HOWEVER, if we interpret something like Twitter or Instagram, as a blog/microblog, then I could see how blogging could be more than mundane.  The subject matter/interest group is focused and intentional. Communication is succinct, and content rife with serendipitous potential. Interesting how making it more “snap-chat” and less epic/Homer, makes it more engaging.

Blog definition taken from on Valentine’s Day, 2016.

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