Pros and Cons reflect

Dr. B writes, “I would like you to think about all the aspects of communication that your group members or other groups, if you had the chance to look at their Google docs, came up with, when you design the communication strategies for your course. Think about that first interaction of your students and the possible “icebreaker”. What will keep them engaged? What will make them come back to the communication? What about yourself and your workload? Think about Trinh and the problems she struggled with. Can you predict what could happen in your course and be proactive with your design?”

Reminders that what make work for some may not work for others. The Aspen group mentioned the different experience from Introverts/extroverts for synchronous communication.

Reminder to design backward. What do we want it to look like? Where do we want it to end up? Plan accordingly. Oak group made a point of archiving synchronous sessions. The availability of that type of resource would take some forethought, but would pay huge dividends in terms of creating community.

Reminders from Maple group that both a/synchronous communication have their strengths and drawbacks. Be intentional with design.