Wiki Sharing

Last week my Educational Technology cohort was asked to share responses and reflections in a format other than our accustomed “Discussion Forum”. The format requested was that of a wiki.

The wiki provided some challenges. The challenges were both technical as well as practical. Any social media vehicle can experience technical difficulties so we will not hold those against the wiki. But, as a forum for discussion . . . the wiki was not up to the task. A wiki is meant as a vehicle by which people might collaborate on a ever improving product not as a platform for shared opinions.

Not having a photographic memory, I had to scan the “contents” each time I logged in to discover whether or not other cohort members had added their thoughts. Then I often had to scan the wiki in its entirety to read the latest contributions. A discussion forum really is a better place to hold a discussion.

When asked to collaborate and choose five strategies and five challenges when facilitating social media in the classroom, I was immobilized.  I read the suggestions listed – thought “Sure, they look good.” and then thought who am I to edit what is already there. I might edit facts for correctness or supplement with more information but I was very hesitant to edit suggestions from others in my cohort.

Wikis? I love them. They are creative outlets in which writers can indulge their passions and interests and in which the collective can create a product better than that which the individual can create alone. But  . . . as a forum for discussion and response. No thanks.

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