Digital Story Telling – I wondered what it was all about.

The Times They are a Changing

Should you choose to click the link above, you will connect to my digital story offering. My digital story hopefully will have the reader/viewer/listener consider education and the reformation that may very well be close at hand.

I chose to use VUVOX, a tool with which I could create an interactive slideshow presentation. Having previously created wikis, websites, e-portfolios  . . . I found the tool user friendly. I chose this tool because it was far down on the list of tools linked to Alan Levine’s webpage . . . and I hoped that my choice might be unique amongst the cohort. The tool very much influenced the manner in which I told this story. I had to be succinct (a trait that is not common to my written work) and I had to let the images chosen facilitate the connections that I hoped the “participant” would make.

A few tips for viewing –

•read the opening frame before engaging the screeen

•click on the arrow under the images and the presentation will flow and music will accompany

•you can easily forward or backward the presentation to catch something missed by moving your cursor over the slides

•click on the video icons to be taken to (in this case), a Sir Ken video

I will likely use this tool to create an introduction to myself for my next class of teacher candidates and post it to the course moodle. I will ask that the students create a similar introduction for my benefit and the benefit of the cohort. I hope that for my students, the opportunity to create and share their stories will have a similar effect on them as was had on me. I was anxious to use the tool to engage and please my cohort. I loved the creative possibilities of the tool and was determined to use multi media to communicate.

I certainly did not advantage all possibilities of VUVOX. My work was not as polished as would be possible with more time applied. But  . . . the result is pleasing and more importantly the learning that occurred and the possibilities that are now peculating in my mind made the hours of exploration worthwhile.

Alan Levine.  (2007). “50 Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Story.”  Accessed 17 March 2011.

RSA Animate, (n.d.). Changing Education Paradigms[Web]. Available from

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2 Responses to Digital Story Telling – I wondered what it was all about.

  1. besliger says:

    Thanks Denise for introducing me to another web 2.0 tool that I didn’t know existed! Vuvox is very interesting and I like the product! I like that you’ve introduced the topic and then left the viewer with a task. Would you want them to use Vuvox to complete their part of the story?

  2. Andrew says:

    Your story is a great presentation that gets us educators thinking about our own styles int he classroom. The slide show is definitely a great way of presenting a theme without falling back to the PowerPoint standard. I hope to be able to use Vuvox for a future eye catching opportunity.

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