Category Archives: Uncategorized

MLearning – Don’t Know Much About It

August 5th, 2011 – 4:28 pm “Technology in and of itself may not guarantee better learning. But when effectively deployed, technology can help focus attention while attracting and maintaining a learner’s interest.” – Ellen Wagner 2005 Realistically, I have time … Continue reading

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Webpage Creation Reflection

I have created many a webpage during the past two years. Some I have created for assignments and some for educational purposes. In all cases, the creation of the website took much longer than anticipated. Time passed quickly while involved … Continue reading

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Creative and Engaging!

The first assignment in which I “created” a power point presentation, although not a “pure” example of digital story telling was my first foray into the world of digital media as a resource to impart information. In 2007 during my … Continue reading

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Digital Story Telling – I wondered what it was all about.

The Times They are a Changing Should you choose to click the link above, you will connect to my digital story offering. My digital story hopefully will have the reader/viewer/listener consider education and the reformation that may very well be … Continue reading

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Wiki Sharing

Last week my Educational Technology cohort was asked to share responses and reflections in a format other than our accustomed “Discussion Forum”. The format requested was that of a wiki. The wiki provided some challenges. The challenges were both technical … Continue reading

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When did you last use a periodic table?

This week in my Masters of Educational Technology course (ETEC 565), we were introduced to Boris. Boris is at teacher of Chemistry 11. He is technologically competent and is using Moodle to “disseminate lecture notes, lab forms and to answer … Continue reading

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Hello World! Educational Revolution Anyone?

“They say you want a revolution . . .”                – John Lennon 1968 Education is undergoing a revolution of sorts. There are those who would  blow it up and start again and there … Continue reading

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