Reflective Post on Marketing Project

by Flora Zhu


The marketing assignment gave us an exclusive first hand experience at devising a marketing plan by analyzing the STP and 4P of a company (Telus).  I feel that Telus has a strong marketing plan for the implication of WOLF EMR. I found it to be a rewarding experience working in a team environment. Despite some minor disagreements at the beginning, I feel that as a team we were able to resolve our conflicts and eventually work together harmoniously to create the final project. Overall I feel that my team devised a strong marketing plan and worked well together. I am really grateful for the people that I worked with!

There were some miscommunication issues because we were unsure who was going to initiate the start of the project, so we began with a rocky start. However we quickly recovered from our mistake and was efficient in devising our plans and organizing when to meet up. Each of the team brought forward their own talents, strengths and weaknesses. Within the 11-12 weeks of working together, we learned to evaluate with each others’ weaknesses. We became more patient and understanding.

Through this project, I learned about different ways that a company segments a product. Prior to learning about marketing, I was unaware of the techniques and the level of marketing that occurs around me. However, now whenever I turn on the radio or watch an advertisement, i can hear the different marketing techniques that are utilized by the producers. I feel that I will never be able to look at an advertisement the same. Comm296 really opened my eyes to the marketing world and I taught me that marketing is not just advertisement, but research, understanding, teamwork and analysis.