Flora Zhu's Blog

Marketing blog for COMM296

Category: Uncategorized

Reflective Post on Marketing Project

(http://gapingvoid.com/2006/07/18/marketing-is-everywhere/) The marketing assignment gave us an exclusive first hand experience at devising a marketing plan by analyzing the STP and 4P of a company (Telus).  I feel that Telus has a strong marketing plan for the implication of WOLF EMR. I found it to be a rewarding experience working in a team environment. Despite […]

Organic is best! Or so my Mom says….

Vancouver is all about the healthy, organic lifestyle. If you walk down Kitsilano, you will be greeted with Whole foods, organic markets, out-door gears, sports equipment stores and vegan restaurants all directed towards the health-conscious consumer. Now imagine their surprise when they hear that their $5 overpriced organic apples  contains the toxic side effects as […]

Do YOU use Facebook?

Turning on my computer/iphone/ipad/electronic device, one of the first websites I check is Facebook. Over 1.5 billion users, growing at a rate of 23% since March, 2012, Facebook is huge (source: Facebook). Now imagine my surprise to hear a 13 year old claim that none of her friends use Facebook.  With 699 million people logging onto […]

Early Christmas anybody? (Response to Brandchannel)

We all love Christmas. The sweet moist scent of gingerbread cookies, wearing your mother’s ugly handmade (and extremely itchy) christmas sweater, the crackling of flames licking at the cedar wood in the fireplace bring signifying  “cheeriest time of the year” is back again. (http://www.brandchannel.com/home/post/2013/10/22/Toy-Brands-Holiday-Promos-102213.aspx) It appears that many retail companies have allowed a head start […]

A history of sex sales? (respond to Jerry Xu’s ‘Does sex really sell?’)

In response to Jerry’s Xu blog post:” Does sex really sell? (Ethical issue for COMM296)” It was quite fascinating to see how companies use sex as an effective tool to sell their products. This got me to consider, how long has ‘sex’ been the main theme of the advertisements? Presence of sex have been recoded […]

We don’t stock XL or XXL:ethical issue for 296

“Sorry, you’re too large for this store.” How would you feel to have a sales associate scan your body up and down and then mutter those words? Abercrombie and Fitch a popular American retail store targeted towards 22-35 year old is all about creating a “sexy and emotional experience” through their store design and clothes. […]

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