Organizational culture: Disney

After reading Juliet Choi’s blog, I thought back about a week ago when we welcomed Danielle van Jaarsveld as a guest speaker. Similar to what Juliet took from Danielle’s lecture, I was also able to see the significance of passion and dedication from employers and employers. In the article she came across, future employees are said to alter organizational culture as they make up a big proportion of the workforce.

I believe this to be true as employees are often the individuals that provide service firsthand to consumers. With this being said, it is important for employers to seek workers whose values comply with the companies corresponding vision.

In saying so, I came across this article exploring the reasons for Disney’s success. Being rated as one of the top 17 most enjoyable companies to work for as stated in this editorial, the Walt Disney company pursues a culture that aims for innovation, organizational support and education for employees, and entertainment for all. To ensure this to be successful, the company offers training at Disney University which prepares employees to perform accordingly. As well, Disney has a wonderful community and offers amazing growth opportunities and benefits  for employees.

Clearly, Disney is operating in the correct manner as Disney theme parks are referred to “The Happiest Place on Earth”.

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