Target can figure out when you’re pregnant?

During The Spark, Sauder’s first year orientation event, I was luckily placed in a team led by a fifth year BTM student. Initially, I was disinterested in the conversation topics as I was not a big fan of technology; however, my Spark leader provided and insightful summary of what business technology management is all about which caught my attention. In fact, this was when I first learned that Target, the department store, figured out a teen girl was pregnant before her dad did.

I then did some research and came across this article that offers more information on this news story. Target labels each customer a Guest ID number which is sorted through attaining the names or email addresses of consumers which is tied to bankcards. The large department store was able to do so with a teen girl. Knowing she was pregnant, the company sent coupons for baby items which her father unfortunately received.

From here, I can see the outstandingly accurate and extensive customer targeting and marketing can get. Additionally, Target was able to collect this information through revolutionary technology. Although, targeting is a successful tactic to increasing sales and brand awareness, at what point does it become unethical? In Target’s case, one can say gathering all this information invades one’s privacy. Thus, firms should be careful and strive for compliance as this way of advertising may drive consumers away.

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