
by connorwilson ~ July 26th, 2012. Filed under: Conclusion, Food Log.

It is hard to believe how much oil goes in to the food we eat, and how over produced everything we eat is! I believe my blog was a good comparison between North America and Europe for the amount of processed foods we have in nearly every meal in Canada is more than most European families will consume in a week or even a month! Everything here is much more ‘home-made’ and much less grocery store bought. I believe the closest McDonalds to me in Sighisoara is a good four-hour train ride away. The way of life is much different, from the lifestyle people live to the activities they do to the food they eat→ and all of it seams to be a lot more natural..

Manning in his article poses many great points that can be related to my 24-hour consumption blog. He says that agriculture is more about making money than the food or energy that is wasted in its production. And such words are growing more and more true around the world as every country begins to “westernize”. I don’t believe it has struck Romania quite yet, for there is no real over-production or processed food.. or at least not yet. Moreover, if you compare the ingredients used in my breakfast (which was in Canada) and the ingredients used in my Dinner (which was in Romania) you can see how Manning’s point cannot be fully applied to the world, but only western civilizations.

Sighisoara Streets


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