Our team consists of members from UBC’s Land and Food System who are in different programs with a variety of interests.
Margot Kimmel is majoring in Global Resource Systems, with a focus in Environmental Policy and Sustainable International Development. Her interests include environmentally sustainable business practices and policies, and urban development.
Santiago Campuzano is Majoring in Food science. Santiago is highly interested in tissue engineering with the purpose of expanding the field of Meat biofabrication
Star Li is majoring in Food Nutrition and Health and has an interest in food availability and nutrition and would like to work in developing countries in the future to increase nutritional awareness.
Ruying Ying is majoring in Food Market Analysis and is interested in economic efficiency of different community food systems and farmers’ market.
Joanna Ke is majoring in Nutritional Sciences and is interested in community food security.
Shannon Chau is majoring in Nutritional Sciences. Her interests include human nutrition and how humans and animals interact together in a community.