For breakfast I consumed a few slices of toast with soft boiled eggs on top.

The method used to separate crude oil into its various components
The eggs are packaged in your typical white polystyrene cartoon, which is a polymer that uses hydrocarbons as precursor in its manufacture. Benzene and ethylene are the main reactants to produce the polymer, both of which are separated from crude oil using fractional distillation.
Chicken farms are obviously needed for egg production, and chickens require grain diets for optimal egg production. These grains are produced in large plots of land using large combines for harvesting. Most of our grains come from within Canada as it is such a large producer, which is harvested by large combines.This machinery relies on fossil fuels for operation as they are powered by large gasoline and diesel engines.

3 Combines efficiently harvesting a crop.
The bread I used is made from a combination of 9 whole grains, once again requiring farm land to produce. Pesticides are used to combat possible pest infestations as to avoid entire crop decimation. Pesticides are complex chemicals which are synthesized in laboratories using many hydrocarbons extracted from petroleum. Many liquid pesticides even use kerosene as a “carrier” for the pesticide chemicals

Crops being sprayed with pesticides.