IT Can be Useful but Dangerous:Mobile Banking Threat on the Rise


In course 17, we learnt the importance of IT which helps a company improve their products and services through gaining useful information from their customers. Nowadays, almost every bank has its online banking system and most work both on computers and mobiles. No wonder it is an efficient way both for customers (to get services) and banks (to offer services and gain information). However, there is something more important than that—consumer’s priority.


Mobile banking threat is on the rise. It is reported that online banking Trojans, which are used to steal banking information from the user, soared to a record high with more than 200,000 infections. Customers tend not to use online banking apps anymore with knowing this which may lead to losses of banks.


In this situation, a bank is supposed to partner with security firms with stronger brand names and better security systems, which creates a POD for the bank. It is understandable that security must be people’s priority when they choose a bank to use, so the bank must let consumers know that it’s the bank’s priority, too.




1 thought on “IT Can be Useful but Dangerous:Mobile Banking Threat on the Rise

  1. Malicious software is a key factor that used to threats the mobile banking security
    and i have several suggestion which prevent stealing banking data.

    1: When your mobile, tablet, laptop connect to the public Wi-Fi, you’d better not to visit your banking account until making sure wifi is secure.
    2 Never disclose the bank account and bank PIN code in your text message or E-mail
    3 When you receive the email or text message from bank, make sure the senders are bank not individuals or other organization.
    4 Be on the alert when download the bank software and make sure they are not posted others
    5 Be aware of fraudulent e-mails and fraudulent text messages
    5 Be on the alert when using online banking service,make sure is official site and fraudulent website.
    In conclusion, be on the alert when i meet any dobious stuff.

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