
1. What is Canada?

Draw an infograph about the most important events from Canadian history




2. What does your ideal school look like?

Using the supplies you’ve been given only, create your ideal school



3. How can you show a concept visually as opposed to verbally?

Without using too many words, visually show a concept in your field (social studies in my case). All ELLs can benefit from this model, as well as everyone.





4. What hip hop song or artist can you link multimodally to an article relating to language identity and culture?

Using a mind map, I linked “The Rose that Grew from the Concrete” by Tupac Shakur. I also used the poem and linked it to “Dream Deferred” by Langston Hughes with grade 8s. They could connect and they enjoyed it!




5. How can we visually represent the process of learning, education and curriculum?


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