Community Field Experience

My community field experience was at Vancouver College – an excellent, welcoming and wonderful school and community to be a part of. Follow the logo below to be linked to the Vancouver College website, and enjoy my weekly reflections from my time at Vancouver College!



Week 1 CFE Reflection:

May 1, 2015

One aspect that went extremely well was I was able to observe a law 12 class which I taught on the practicum for 10 weeks. I was able to gain insight to the approach tactics towards teaching law 12. Through taking notes and participating in the dialogue and interactions of the classroom
I was able to gain insight towards both content/subject matter and teaching and instructional strategies. I observed presentations as well as whole classroom discussions that both engaged me in my teaching as well as willingness to move forward with being more confident with the content of law 12. Another aspect or activity of the week was helping out in “The Learning Centre” (TLC) and assisting students with homework and/or studying techniques. I helped a student in grade 9 giving him one on one support and help studying with his upcoming social studies 9 exam. I helped him study his definitions and also scaffold his learning to find solutions to the higher level thinking questions (he wrote these answers down on his study sheet) to help him for the upcoming test.

Grade 1: Another aspect that went extremely well for the week was my volunteer activities in the grade 1 classroom assisting students with math, reading, writing, comprehension, grammar, and spelling. I helped with “Math Circle” – students went around in a circle and counted by 2s, and 5s, then backwards by 5s. This helped them with their math skills. Students were also required to be moved for behavioural issues if they were off task – I asked students who were off task to stand by me or to move in the circle. Behaviour management in this particular classroom is ongoing.

Next, I assisted students with their “Calendar Books” – students are learning counting and equations by taking the temperature for the day and comparing it to yesterday’s temperature. I helped students with their calendars (making sure they wrote it down correctly, they were on task and I helped students with questions regarding equations and temperature). Additionally, I helped student read “The Hungry Ladybug” and helped them make their own drawing based on their favourite part of the book. They also had to write 5-7 sentences regarding their favorite part in the book. I assisted students with keeping and making sure they were on task, circulating the classroom, and helping students with their work. I helped students with their spelling and grammar and made sure they had wrote enough on the lines provided – some students did not write enough and I assisted them in writing more to meet the requirements. I helped students with spelling, comprehension and reading skills.

I am also assisting grade 9 social studies students with their upcoming major topography projects. These are going to be made from play dough. Starting next week I will be assisting in making the play dough (cooking it on the stove) and helping students create their topography maps. I am looking forward to these activities for next week and getting the project fully under way.

I observed various other classes as well such as: Grade 2 classes, and a Grade 12 Solidarity and Justice class which was extremely unique and interesting as most schools do not offer such a course. It was interesting to see the grade 12 presenters present their well informed and put together projects. I was extremely impressed by the higher level thinking, the discussion and the debates that were taking place. It appeared to be an upper level university class with the subject/content matter and the way it was being presented (I also look forward to engaging with this material next week).

There was one moment with the grade 1s where they were getting off task and were quite rambuxious this particular morning. I would like to have had a management technique – such as a game/activity to better engage them in that moment, get their attention and get them settled. Other than that, there was not something that did not go well.

I feel calm, prepared, and welcomed here at my CFE. At this moment I do not have any pressing concerns. I am continuing in my learning and observation process (es). My impressions are extremely positive. The school environment has been warm, welcoming and genuinely positive. The education has been well prepared, planned and there has been a high level of intellectual background and knowledge. At this moment I do not have any suggestions on how to enrich my experience here on my CFE. I feel like I have the flexibility to advance my educational pursuits in a multitude of areas. I am grateful for this positive CFE placement and opportunity and look forward to the coming weeks. I have really found a place in the grade 1 classroom helping out with various activities such as: reading, writing, comprehension, grammar and behaviour management. I am happy to gain insight towards younger grades and how classroom management plays a major role. I am learning a lot from the grade 1 teacher here at V, who has welcomed my in the classroom. 


Week 2 Reflection:

May 11, 2015

On Monday I assisted the grade 2s, and I assisted with preparing them and getting them ready for the Mary May Assembly which was going to be held in the morning for about an hour and a half for all the elementary school in the alumni room. I helped getting the grade 1s organized – they had all brought flowers for the assembly and I helped arranging these. I then escorted the students to the “alumni room”in the secondary school building. All of the grades in elementary school were in attendance. Students listened to prayer and went up one at a time to drop off their flowers into the vases at the front. I assisted students, I was managing behaviour of students and chaperoned. Once the assembly was over we went back to class. I assisted with some housekeeping duties as well as putting students work on display – creating a display of the “star students” of that week. I assisted students with staying on task and then I called students up to the front of the class one at a time to do their spelling corrections for their “Lady Bug Journals”. I asked students to read aloud to me their work so they could think aloud what they meant to write (type of meta cognition). Then I asked them to make necessary corrections relating to spelling and grammar. I reminded students how to create sentences, and helped them sound out words they were unsure of or unfamiliar of. This aided me in my professional development because I was able to see and assist students with their work on a completely different level then I have before. I learned various scaffolding techniques and ways of breaking down the sounds in each word. I also learned how to use certain tactics for maintaining behaviour.



Week 3 CFE Reflection:

May 19, 2015

My time at vancouver college has been a highlight of the entire teaching program. The staff that I have met, the students that I have made connections with will be forever treasure and remembered. I would live to go back to vancouver college and I hope to send along my resume. I have made a connection with mrs gibbons and also mr canil, who has asked me to come back to vancouver college soon. Before this experience I never had been to a private school before. And although I am Greek Orthodox and have went to greek school/Sunday school. I have never before seen a faith based education. It was a very interesting, enlightening and positive experience. It is definitely somewhere I would strive and hope to work in the future. In the last week I spent more time with mrs gibbons and grade 1s reading and helping them with their work. I also observed a variety of classes, including another solidarity and justice course with mr believau. I observed mr canils grade 10s classes on positive relations in which reem was teaching and we showed a video that was a very interesting approach to positive relations and one that would not most likely be prevalent in the public school. I have acquired various resources this past week from many teachers including differtn a social studies projects and assignments, and English projects as well that will better my future career as an educator and aid me in my career in the future.

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