
An autogeography project for EPSE 310 – This project allowed me to represent myself through an artistic method. I created a poster to display: my cultural duality, my family influence, my interests and hobbies, and my love of nature. This project was a great way to connect with oneself.

My grandparents immigrated to Canada after the war, originally settling in Halifax, going to Montreal and eventually settling in Vancouver. They have had a big impact on my life, upbringing and on my choice to become an educator. Through their stories and struggles I really gained a love of history and wanted to share my passion and help to teach others. This is in a sense my primary source, and what I will bring forth into my teaching.

I included my various hobbies and interests. I play piano and I used to sing in a choir. I also was a lifeguard for roughly 10 years and taught swim lessons. I have a strong passion for athletics, especially swimming and soccer. My dad played professional soccer in Greece and this has also had a great influence on my love of sports.



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