
I believe social studies must incorporate background knowledge and values, as well as educational subject matter and encourage critical thinking.  We’ve all heard the notion “practice what you preach”, but my mother always told me “do as I say not as I do”. How can this be helpful in understanding education, knowledge and schooling? My background knowledge from my grandparents and mother as described is unique and my opinions are coming from a certain background of foundational knowledge or values. Each individual’s values are different and they will change drastically from varying economic, cultural, spiritual, moral, and racial backgrounds.  Education is acceptance of these ideals through the institutional framework of schooling.

My teaching strategy incorporates understanding and positivity, as well as creating a positive community for my students. I believe in creating a collective understanding and responsibility for all. This can hopefully aid in helping those who are not necessarily convinced of the power of the numbers, or collective responsibility that one individual may not make the biggest change, but collectively they can.

“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do” (Helen Keller.)




Collective Classroom Agreements!

Part of my teaching philosophy allows students to take onus upon their own work, actions and behaviour. As such, I like to implement a collective classroom agreement for behaviour and standards. This allows students to have a say in what they believe is fair and also allows them to take responsibility for the outlines they have created. Students create how they would like to be treated, how to treat others, and how to treat guests as they enter the classroom. Below are some examples

Expectations of the Course

Expectations of Each other

Expectations for Visitors



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