Virgin Atlantic From Red to ‘Green’ ? (Ethics)


A strong rebuttal to Sir karl kraus’ statement- ‘You want to study business ethics? Then study either one or the other!’ The innovative plan of Virgin Atlantic had proven that fulfilling social responsibility does not contradict profit maximisation, both latter and former can be executed in parallel.

Fuel costs had always been a main concern for most airlines, they put extra effort on marketing strategies to boost sales in order to cover up the large expenditures on fuels. I think it is therefore impressive for Virgin Atlantic in taking the initiative to show business ethic in their new plans of fuel investment. Not only will the new type of fuel benefit the environment, but also it enhances the efficiency, making the fuel more economical. Improving the aviation air quality from the dirty to one of the cleanest, and subsequently contributing to the sustainability of chemical industries, Virgin Atlantic had undoubtedly fully illustrated what kind of business ethics should a successful corporate have.

In respond to another classmate’s blog finger-lickin-goodYanessa questioned whether KFC is being ethical to enhance productivity while harming our own health, and the answer to that is an obvious no- while here (Virgin Atlantic) is a counter example of what an ethical business should do, investing in technology not only for profit maximising, but the sake of sustainable development.

Fulfilling social responsibility does not simply imply cost upsurge, it may benefit the company by establishing a promising image, generating long term profits in an intangible way.

WATCH watch?v=JL3FVsxWhtI (Short news report)

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