Selfies at a funeral?!



This is the magic of Instagram. We can see people taking pictures every day, and putting them up on Instagram to get likes. It became a social trend.

It is popular for people to take photos of every bits of their life, but while we joke about them, you see a picture from another friend, who took selfie at a funeral, hash tagging #life goes on#…that would’ve been your most miserable moment.

Not to mention the immaturity of youngsters, the power of social media nowadays holds a strong force in the society. Photos are uploaded no longer because people wanted to share their happiest moments, but because of the function ‘likes’, the main incentive.

WATCH watch?v=la088KtPpyo&feature=youtube_gdata (taking food photos at restaurants- Vine)

In light of that, I believe many companies are making use of this powerful marketing strategy to boost their exposure opportunities, especially those who are arriving new industries, the first step they take would usually be conquering social media platforms. They made use of penetrating power- people stalking on others and things they like whenever they are free,‘liking’ and gaining ‘likes’.

Social medias such as Facebook and Instagram had partly changed the form and purpose of sharing, overloaded with all sorts of advertisements, they might possibly pollute the original function of social platforms, and the marketing effect may diminish.



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