What! Is That A Burger?

Article http://www.cnbc.com/id/101040155

source: http://www.dailybri.com/wp-content/uploads/snygo_files004b-eat24-porn-food-advertising.jpg

Yes, yes and yes. It was a burger that popped out from the screen. Food delivery company Eat24 produced various forms of advertisements on a pornography site. For me, Eat24 inspired me in 2 ways.

Innovative is one of the most important traits to excel in business. A normal mindset would make all the advertisements on social platforms such as Facebook or Twitter, and what Eat24 showed us by putting them on porn sites, was creativity. Thinking what others cannot predict is a good way to attract customers, random people surfing such websites would be amused and laugh when they see a burger pop out between video clips, they might feel annoyed for a moment but I’m sure it will leave them at least some impression. The company was short of funds and obviously the idea saved money, while having a great advertising effect. People noticed and start talking about this, which proved they succeed in creating a gimmick.

WATCH advertising-on-porn-sites-works-just-ask-eat24

In addition, a service does not necessary have to merge with related products. Cooperating with different industries can capture more market sectors. In this case, Eat24 made use of the high volume usage of adult sites, attracting more male customers to be their potential buyers. Undoubtedly it’s a great idea to grasp potential customers, and may create a trend for other industries as well.



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