Candy is actually healthy?


WATCH watch?v=cnzbZ2RA4qQ (Crest Halloween Candy Ad)

As a company selling Dental Hygiene product, I think they made a gimmick which violates common perception however in lined with their value proposition- a dental health. From this, I learn that conglomerate development of products helps to build better advertising effect; people see toothpaste and candy contradicts, so they would be interested to know how is candy made healthy.


Subsequently, I noticed the importance of sincere customer feedbacks. The usual practice of companies would be collecting feedbacks from the general population-any gender, age, background etc through massive online surveys. However, it is the most sincere comment that attracts potential customers to take reference from. In the case of Crest, they invited a few innocent kids to talk about what they feel about the healthy candies at a live studio, which a company analyst records their comments. It was funny and enjoyable to see children expressing their direct feeling about the product, and this is also why audience are interested to know what the candies will actually taste like. The feedback from children may not be positive to boost business, however it won the heart of all customers as they used the little angels as their indirect advertisement.


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