Assignment 1:1

Hello everyone! My name is Francisco Araneta, and I am a 5th year student majoring in Political Science and English Literature. While I have taken many English courses within the UBC campus before, this is the first one I am doing online and from all the way in the Philippines! I am very interested to see how the dynamic of this course will play out, especially after being so used to participating in a physical classroom rather than one that exists solely through Facebook and UBC’s blogging platform.

In addition to the distance learning aspect of this course I am also interested in the actual subject matter it deals with as well. This is because throughout my time in UBC I have largely studied writers with ideas stemming the Western world. Thus I believe English 470A will be a fantastic way to get engaged with literary voices that are not commonly heard by most students of English Literature. Moreover after spending so many years in Canada I think it is about time that I finally hear those particular voices for the first time.

One such writer I am eager to get started with is Thomas King, a prominent Canadian writer of Cherokee descent who tends to fuse both the typical Western literary style we come to expect from most English courses, with the less familiar oral traditions originating from Canada’s First Nation’s people. King’s works are best known to directly address issues facing both North America’s First Nation people in both the United States and Canada, by attempting to eradicate stereotypes that continue to exist up to today.


Overall throughout this course I hope to gain a greater understanding how the creation of Canada has both birthed and inspired many of the literary voices we have in the country today.

Works Cited:

“Native American Authors.” Thomas King on. Ipl2, n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2016. <>.

Busby, Brian John. “Thomas King.” The Canadian Encyclopedia. HISTORICA CANADA, n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2016. <>.

An image of Thomas King with a quote of his. Digital image. AZ Quotes. AZ Quotes, n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2016. <>.

2 Thoughts.

  1. Hello Francisco,

    Welcome to our course of studies together, I think you are going to enjoy the perspective we will be examining and I look forward to learning more from you.
    Francisco, please delete the Sample page – and also, please give your blogs interesting titles as well as indication the assignment number. thank you and enjoy.

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