Pinterest = Social Media Site That Directs Most Traffic To Websites?
Social media these days are beginning to consume our internet time and are constantly tempting us to create our virtual identities through various platforms. Facebook’s new timeline interface has now enabled users to create an online scrapbook of their lives with images and wall post activities, Instagram has provided the artistic tools to make any picture a piece of art, Twitter has given us the channel to voice our and listen to other’s thoughts, and the list goes on! Essentially, you could say social media has virtually turned the internet into an arts and crafts club where we’re given the tools to beautify our lives! Recently, there has been another new and emerging social media platform that is storming through our internet cyber space by the ever so pretty name, Pinterest ~
In continuation of our arts and crafts club-theme, Pinterest offers users the ability to make social catalogs, share and collect images! It has been dubbed the social media sweetheart of 2012 and has grown by 400% from September to December 2011. Though the highly vertical growth rate and rapidly increasing membership of over 11 million is not uncommon with growing social media sites, Pinterest does have a point of differentiation. According to a data compiled by Modea, a digital advertising agency, they have investigated the average time users spend on their social media websites: Pinterest (15.8 minutes), Twitter (3.3 minutes) and Facebook (12.1 minutes). Surprisingly, the newest competitor on the social media scheme is now the leader and holds the strongest rivalry in time average time spent on website! This is highly intriguing as clearly the shift towards a more visually-oriented social platform has resulted in the interest of more users! At this rate, it almost seems as if Twitter does not make an effort to adapt to this visual-trend, the tweeting social media will soon begin to tweet declines in Twitter activity and membership!
On the note of more visual social media platforms, there is thus no need to justify the flock of women that are beginning to visit the sites more and pinning images on their Pinterest boards! Back to the arts of crafts theme, Pinterest is creating emotional spaces with imagery that connects users together! In addition, Pinterest is built to easily work with Facebook users and this has been a genius strategy of the Pinterest management team in continuing the social media crusade of world membership domination! Evidently, the success of Pinterest has led users to click the millions of pinned images that redirect them to the original online image source. The source then translates to conversion rates of users visiting different websites. Consequently, Pinterest is now viewed as the social media site that directs the most traffic to differnet websites, and in particular corporate websites as well!
Read more of the Pinterest social media trend and/or their future opportunities here >>> <<< , >>> <<<
Pinterest, virtual public space with visual imagery to color your online pin board ~