Netflix Digs Deep to Find Trendy Movies

Netflix recently admitted that it analyses downloading trends in file-sharing websites to purchase the shows that will be most popular amongst its subscribers. As an example, the company purchased the series Prison Break because of its torrenting popularity, since then Prison Break is one of the most-watched shows on Netflix.

This blog draws attention to how inter-related different websites and companies can be when it comes to the internet. It seems that Netflix now depends on torrenting websites much in the same way that Facebook depends on Google to customize its advertisements. Not only is it interesting that Netflix admitted to using illegal sites for market research, but also that the company received praise from consumers on being creative. Perhaps the imbedded blog is foreshadowing a dark future on market research techniques. If companies are being supported for using illegal websites that governments have been trying to shutdown for years, then what other data-gathering techniques does the future hold?

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