National Energy Strategy and the Alberta Oil Sands
In a purely economic sense, there is no doubt in the minds of many businessmen that tapping into the vast resources of the oil sands is a sound investment. What is holding them back, however, is the public resistance to the idea, and their advocacy of environmental care. Natural resources are the backbone of the Canadian economy, and it seems only logical to use them for Canadian economic prosperity.

Location of the oil sands in Alberta
It is the concept of a National Energy Strategy that is central to Herle and Swann’s article. With the lack of an official, government policy, companies are reluctant to undertake ventures regarding the oil sands, and possibly even worse, the sale of Canada-based oil sands company Nexen to the Chinese oil corporation, CNOOC. This would, to some degree, place control of Canadian resources in foreign hands, an idea few would embrace.
It’s also important to note the divisive opinions of Canadians. Primarily, Albertans resent the attempts to redistribute oil-sands generated wealth, while citizens in the rest of Canada, to some degree, feel that a redistribution of wealth is justified, as it is a Canadian resource.
Canadians are divided on the oil sands, and without a National Energy Strategy, and official policy on oil sands development, companies too, will be divided.
For the article referenced by Herle and Swann, see here.