My Teaching Practice

“The self thus becomes aware of itself, at least in its practical action, and discovers itself as a cause among other causes and as an object subject to the same laws as other objects.”
Jean Piaget

Effective teachers begin to teach even before they enter into the classroom. An effective teacher is engaging, challenging, and aware of each student’s level of learning—and making the necessary adjustments to include all of the class. An effective teacher is able to make the learning of any subject interesting and fun for the students. Teaching methods must evolve and must envelop critical thinking. Good teaching practices are keys to effective learning, as well personality and charisma. The classroom must have a present and engaging teaching practitioner that allows the children to effectively learn from meaningful lesson plans.
Classroom rules designed to create a positive learning environment will be followed, no-one should be treated with more or less respect than anyone else in the classroom. Classroom rules should involve student input and should be flexible to a degree if necessary through-out the school year. All students must be present and giving full attention to lesson material in all aspects of learning: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Productive problem solving skills are necessary to allow students who have difficulties in remaining present in the classroom. There will be students whom may present challenges and be disruptive or non-participatory, positive discipline methods should be practiced and sought by the teacher. The classroom rules should reflect disciplinary actions which are set up at the beginning of the school year. The emphasis on all disciplinary solutions must invoke positive solutions, which allow for the student to still feel important and included in the classroom. Further meetings between disruptive students should be in private, and confidential. A system which allows for all children to understand that only a certain number of misbehaving or disruptions may eventually lead to a private meeting with the administrator, this only should happen if the student is not able to take effective actions to move away from such behaviours.
All students must be able to question anything they do not understand, and must be given the opportunity to share any concerns or questions openly. Critical thinking is valued, thinking outside of the box will allow students to adjust and transfer individual learning styles inside the classroom. Students will learn intrinsically through-out their lives, however an effective learner must be taught to examine their learning extrinsically as well. Students will learn in a positive and rewarding environment, where desired learning outcomes will be focused upon.
Students will learn differently from one another, and they may find school work perplexing and difficult at times. Errors will be made and worked through. Motivating students to continue learning even though they may have difficulty is important, giving positive feedback and affirmations is very important. As well a classroom should envelop team working skills, allowing students to communicate their learning with others in the classroom.
Finally, evaluation will reflect the set achievement bench marks laid out by the ministry of education in British Columbia. Students will also be allowed to have the opportunity to self-asses some of their learning through-out the school year. Self-assessing at certain times through-out the school year will give each student the ability to see development.
As a teaching practitioner, I will be open and willing to learn new and proficient teaching methods. As I work towards being the best possible teacher that I can be for my students, I will work towards accomplishing the highest teaching strategies and be both positive and engaging for all of my students.

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