A journey of a Food Technologist in Becoming a Food and Resource Economics

Monthly Archives: September 2013

A Roller Coaster Ride

Hi there! It’s week 2 of the futures trading game! Gain a bit, Lost a lot! Here’s a peek on what I have on my portfolio by today to give you a picture on how bad it is (figure 1): Figure 1. Open position This is my Portfolio Summary of the ending of week 2, as you can see, I’m bleeding! However, week 2 wasn’t that bad, I was given a taste of victory when my portfolio went back to green that […]

The School of Pipsology!

Hello folks! It’s Friday, it’s weekend, it’s time to blog! First week of trading game using stocktrack, a bit overwhelming since I have no idea what I have to do! Well, at least I know that I need to buy future commodities contracts at low price and sell at high price to reap profits, which I guess is the fundamentals in any business. Lucky me, I got a few friends who’re working for one of the major trading companies in […]

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