Student support

You are our main priority. We acknowledge that your success reaches beyond academics and logistics. That is why we offer a variety of support services for your personal wellbeing.

Physical and mental health

Do not hesitate to look for help is you are experiencing any physical or mental health issues.

  • Student Health Service - if you need to see a doctor on campus
  • Wellness Centre - we offer Peer Support for mental & physical health related questions
  • Counselling Services - for free, confidential counselling for UBC students
  • Here2Talk - is a BC Government initiative to connect students to mental health support
  • RHL Clinical Counsellor:

Nafiza Ali (she/her/hers), MA
Registered Clinical Counsellor
For a confidential appointment/consult:
O: 604.822.3811

Safety on campus

Your safety is unquestionable. Please reach out to any of the resources below or contact your program directly if you cannot find the support you need.

Diversity on campus

Whether you’re a student from an equity-deserving group or an ally advocating for equity and inclusion, we are here to support you. Please see our landing page Diversity on Campus for all Equity, diversity, and inclusion resources.

Academic Support

Connect with an Ambassador

Have question about graduate student life? Schedule a coffee chat with an RHL Graduate Student Ambassadors.

Visit the website to learn more about our Ambassadors.

Volunteer in the Buddy Program

Want to give back to the community? Email Rahil Thakkar, VP Student Development, to be a buddy and meet 1-2 incoming students to guide them navigate student life, start creating community, and introduce them to Sauder's values of Rigor, Respect, and Responsibility.

Here's a quick Buddy program - FAQ to answer some of the questions you may have!


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