Academic Regulations

The three core values of UBC Sauder are Rigour, Respect and Responsibility. In line with these values, students are expected to uphold the highest standards of professional behaviour, and academic honesty as members of the UBC community. Breach of these expectations or failure to follow the appropriate regulations, principles, rules and guidelines of the University may result in disciplinary action. Students should familiarize themselves with the academic regulations listed below.

NOTE: These policies are subject to change. In particular students are obligated to fully understand what constitutes academic misconduct, as defined by the UBC Calendar. Students involved in academic misconduct will face disciplinary measures and may have all Business Career Services withdrawn for the remainder of their program.

FT MBA Regulations

Grade requirements

As a graduate student, grade requirements may be different than in your undergraduate degree. You must familiarize yourself with the grading requirements for graduate programs and understand these differences as it may affect your standing in the program.

  • A "fail grade" for a graduate course is 59% or lower.
  • Students are only permitted a limited number of "failed" (59% or lower) and/or "minimal pass" (60-67%) credits during the MM program.

Exceeding the maximum number of credits in either or both of these categories will result in withdrawal from the program.

Rules on the Use and Distribution of Course Materials

Any materials posted on Canvas course sites will be available for you to access and download for four weeks after the final exam. As you will be using the intellectual property of external authors and/or UBC professors in your own studies, please be aware of the following rules around the handling and distribution of those materials:

  • Cases and readings are protected under copyright law and therefore you must not share these documents with anyone. Any official publications that are posted on a Canvas course site have copyright clearance for students enrolled this specific course only.
  • Class slides are the instructor’s property and most instructors do not want their slides to be distributed. If you have questions about this, please approach your instructor directly.
  • Exams/assignments/feedback must not be shared with students who may subsequently take the same course.

It is your responsibility to avoid copyright infringements and the distribution of materials that are intended for your use only.

Rules with Degree Progress

RHL students should use the designation “MBA in progress” on resume, LinkedIn, email signature, business signature, etc. As a student in a Professional Master program, the term “candidate” should not be used because candidacy is not an officially recognized degree program status at the Master’s level (it is intended for the doctoral level), based on UBC policy.

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