Posted by: | 21st Mar, 2011

Should Twitter be used to increase brand awareness?

Twitter has been increasing its fame as a social media, where a user can casually update your status. Moreover, even by some large firms and co-orporations, twitter are being recognized and used to enhance the communication links and brand association. For example, on the previous post that I made regarding Adidas new technology, twitter was installed into the virtual  footwear wall(1:39 to 1:45 on the video) so that consumers who come into the store will be able to obtain third view from other twitter users who are also interested in the product.

There are interesting statistics and benefits of using twitter on one of the marketing blog, named Top-rank. Here is the link to the blog ===> Top-rank blog on twitter According to Harvard University, only 12 percent of companies surveyed felt their organizations were using social media effectively. In addition, 75% of the companies in the survey said they did not know where their most valuable customers were talking about them. This shows that social media is still definitely underused.

There are 3 main benefits of using a twitter ; 1) Able to listen to consumers 2) Use as a marketing tool. In other words, firms are able to provide more information and benefits on the new product.(ie. promotion) 3) Get a feedback of the product from consumers and improve on anything that lead to consumer dissatisfaction.

However, twitter can also ruin the image of the companies. One of the UBC blogs recently made by Christina, mentions that when a company uses twitter it is important to be maintain consistency in brand messaging.  She also gave specific example when use of twitter lead to a negative brand image. Here is a link to her blog. UBC blog – Christina’s

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