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Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) play an important role in marine conservation. While the MPA is a very useful tool for marine management and preserving biodiversity, the current number of MPAs in British Columbia (BC) is concerningly low. This research proposes a new MPA on the coast of BC by deploying a wide range of spatial analysis tools. It compares a new MPA, which is created by overlapping layers of vegetation, marine mammals and biologically significant areas, with regions where sea surface temperature (SST) and bathymetry (i.e. sea depth) are optimal for marine species, and looks at whether both areas overlap. Our findings show that the new proposed MPA did overlap with these regions, meaning that the new MPA also has favourable abiotic conditions. Data and analysis limitations are also discussed.

Continue to our introduction.

Meet the Team

Selena Shew

I am currently in my third year at UBC, majoring in Environmental Science with a specialization in Ecology. Ever since I was young, I have been fascinated by the natural processes that make up the entire planet, and especially the interactions and relationships between animals and the world around us. My childhood dream was to be a marine biologist. While I’m still not quite sure where I will end up, I am hoping to become a data analyst within the natural sciences sector.


Sam Tong

Currently, I am in third-year Geography (E&S) at UBC. One of my future goals is to be an urban planner. I am particularly interested in urban issues and urban planning. I know that there is a long way to go, but I am working hard to achieve that goal!


Kristie Tai

I am a third year student majoring in Atmospheric Science. Ever since I went on my first familiarization flight, a passion for aviation sparked inside of me. This experience led me to gain my private pilot license and in the future I wish to become a commercial pilot or an air traffic controller. Through this major, I want to learn more about the skies.


Felicia Yue

I am a fourth year student at UBC, majoring in Geography, specializing in Environmental and Sustainability Management. I have always been interested in the vast and mysteriousness of the ocean. There is still so much we don’t know about the Ocean! My interest has made me want to become a marine biologist but clearly that did not go as planned. I have found equal interest in my current major and hope to find work related to nature conservations.

Undergraduate Students
University of British Columbia