
Vector data such as marine mammals, vegetation, commercial fishery distributions, and biologically significant areas, were downloaded from public databases such as Data BC, Open Data Canada, and the BCMCA (B.C. Marine Conservation Analysis). The data was downloaded using the parameters ArcView Shape and UTM Zone 10 projection for consistency. 

Once the initial shapefiles were cleaned for our project boundaries, the layers were projected using BC Albers Equal Area Conic. This projection was chosen not only because it is the preferred coordinate system in British Columbia, but because it also maintains sufficient accuracy for the province of BC on a 2D plane. The distortion in area and distance is relatively small, which is beneficial for our purpose since we are interested in the location of a new marine protected area off the coast of BC. 

We also used raster data such as bathymetry and sea surface temperatures in our project. These files were downloaded from BC Marine Conservation Analysis and NASA Giovanni, respectively. We used these raster files to conduct a multi-criteria evaluation, further determining and verifying our initial proposed marine protected area.

Table II. Data table of all our data sources
Layer Name Description Data Source Data Type
BC_Marine_EcoSection This is a data file with polygons representing the major sections of the ocean off the coast of BC DataBC Vector (Polygon)
DFO_EBSA Feature layer with Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas in Canadian Waters Fisheries and Oceans Canada
MPA Feature layer with the final proposed MPA Open Data BC, BC Marine Conservation Analysis
DFO_MPA_MPO_ZPM Feature layer with current MPA’s by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans off the Coast of B.C. (within project boundaries) Fisheries and Oceans Canada Vector (Polygon)
Layers of commercial fishery distribution with targeted species
CRIMS_COMMERCIAL_CRABS Distributions of commercial crab fishery DataBC Vector (Polygon)
CRIMS_COMMERCIAL_GEOGDUCKS Distributions of commercial geoduck fishery
CRIMS_COMMERCIAL_GROUNDFISH Distributions of commercial groundfish fishery
CRIMS_COMMERCIAL_HERRING Distributions of commercial herring roe fishery
CRIMS_COMMERCIAL_PRAWNS Distributions of commercial prawn fishery
CRIMS_COMMERCIAL_SALMON_NETS Distributions of commercial salmon net fishery
CRIMS_COMMERCIAL_SALMON_TRAWLS Distributions of commercial salmon trawl fishery
CRIMS_COMMERCIAL_SCALLOPS Distributions of commercial scallop fishery
CRIMS_COMMERCIAL_SEACUCUMBERS Distributions of commercial sea cucumber fishery
CRIMS_COMMERCIAL_SHRIMPS Distributions of commercial shrimp fishery
CRIMS_COMMERCIAL_SQUIDS Distributions of commercial squid fishery
CRIMS_COMMERCIAL_URCHINS Distributions of commercial red and green urchin fishery
Layers of marine mammal distribution
C_N_F_SEAL_polygon Distribution of northern fur seals off the coast of BC DataBC Vector (polygon)
C_KILLR_WH_polygon Distribution of killer whales off the coast of BC
C_PAC_W_DO_polygon Distribution of Pacific white-sided dolphins off the coast of BC
C_SEAOTTER_polygon Distribution of sea otters off the coast of BC
C_HMPB_WHL_polygon Distribution of humpback whales off the coast of BC
C_HARB_SEA_polygon Distribution of harbour seals off the coast of BC
C_HARB_POR_polygon Distribution of harbour porpoises off the coast of BC
C_GRAY_WHA_polygon Distribution of gray whales off the coast of BC
CRMSDLLSPR_polygon Distribution of Dall’s porpoise off the coast of BC
C_CAL_SEAL_polygon Distribution of California sea lions off the coast of BC
sea_surface_temp Sea surface temperatures from May to August of 2012 NASA Giovanni Raster
bathymetry Bathymetry of the BC coast from 2011 BC Marine Conservation Analysis
SST_suitability_depth_locate Final layer with 3 most suitable areas N/A



Distribution of Kelp off the coast of BC BC Marine Conservation Analysis Vector (polygon)



Distribution of Eelgrass off the coast of BC

Continue to our methodology.