Scholarly Conversation

Hola Bloggers!


I want to make this blog post more personal because I think that the things I’ve learned so far are really interesting to me and I want to share this.
The past few weeks at our ASTU course have been loaded with different contents that have become more and more interesting and I feel really happy that my writing has improved so much during the course of this semester.

Now that we have looked at different works and diverse genre we can discuss and even ‘orchestrate voices’ of different authors talking about the same subject.
We have learned now through different tasks like our literature review and our group oral presentation to gather all the information from different perspectives and find the scholarly conversation that is going on about a certain theme.

In the case of my group presentation, we highlighted the distinct outlook on technologies of memory from authors like Jan Assman, Hillary Chute, Sarah Elwood, Alison Landsberg and Marita Sturken and organize them into groups of ideas. But what was different and important to me was that I was able to see the evolution of thought in academia when it comes to works posted in the 1990’s and how radically different they are in the later works of Alison Landsberg and Sturken for example.
To see the way the emergence of new technologies changed the dialog that was formed by scholars talking about technologies of memory was really interesting and tracking all of the drastic changes that happened in just 15 years is impressive.

Being able to put the thoughts of different authors and show how different they are is something I had never done before and I think that the process of learning how to put those ideas together has been the greatest challenge for me but the chances we have had in the literature review for example have made me see the progress that the class has had.
This process of academic writing has so far been a lot more than I expected and I hope that I can expand my knowledge on these topics we have learned.