Coca-Cola’s Campaign

When I went to the movies the other day, there was a Coca-Cola ad that talked about how Coca-Cola was trying to be healthier by offering low and no-calorie beverages. This ad was interesting to me so I decided to find out more.

Recently, Coca-Cola has come up with a new marketing campaign that focuses on being healthy and to overcome the obesity challenge that our world is facing today.

In my opinion, it’s not a bad initiative, as Coca-Cola has good intentions by encouraging people to work out and live a healthier lifestyle, but the general response from the public so far seems to be rather negative.

Most people don’t really understand why an unhealthy drink company like Coca-Cola is promoting healthy living as it doesn’t really make sense to them. Drinks like a can of Coke contain 39g of sugar, and diet Coke contains aspartame and other chemicals which are unhealthy for you.

Coca-Cola deserves some credit for trying to rebrand their image and coming up with different marketing, but they might have to think of something else as their campaign to promote active, health living doesn’t seem to be very successful so far.


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