The Secret Behind Zappos

Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh

What makes Zappos different from other companies? Exceptional customer service, and a radical company culture. Zappos’ CEO Tony Hsieh argues that company culture for Zappos is more important than customer service. Prior to working at Zappos, Hsieh owned a business called LinkExchange which was relatively successful. However, Hsieh decided to sell the company and go on to other ventures as he claimed that LinkExchange got boring and lost its culture.

Hsieh wanted his job to be fun, so he started Zappos, a company whose main goal isn’t to sell shoes, but to deliver happiness. Zappos priority is company culture as Tony believes that good company culture leads to the positioning of the brand as well as exceptional customer service. Through an intensive interviewing and training process, Zappos find it’s employees by asking questions like, “On a scale of 1-10, how weird are you?” and offering potential employees money to leave to find people who truly want to work at Zappos and fit in with the company culture. Zappos is a fun place to work at and provides lots of benefits and perks for their employees, which is probably why people enjoy working there and believe in the brand.




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