The No.1 Brand in the World?



On September 30th, 2013, Interbrand listed their annual list of the best global brands, and for the first time ever, Apple was listed as the No.1 brand in the world.

But what exactly is it that makes Apple so successful? It’s true that they generate lots of revenue, but they weren’t the first to come out with computers or smartphones.  No, the key to Apple’s success lies in their brand.

Apple has built up this image for themselves as an innovative company that provides quality, simple electronics  for anyone to use. For example, in one of their recent advertisements, Apple showed people from different parts of the world using the iPhone.

However, not everybody likes Apple, in the comments section of the article, there are people saying things like, Apple is so overrated, all they do is sell over hyped and overpriced products. In today’s society, people are becoming more and more aware of the products that they are buying, and might not think Apple is the best.

With technology giants like Google and Samsung increasing in their brand value, only time will tell if Apple can continue maintaining their image, or risk losing their position as the No.1 brand.


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