Heal the world, make it a better place.

I recently came across an article on Kristina Bukharova’s blog regarding Me to We, a social enterprise selling bead work produced by struggling Maasai mothers. As highlighted by Kristina, they help these Maasai mamas earn fair wages, allowing them to support their families. Find out more about them here.

Image taken from: http://schoolsites.granderie.ca/ddss/node/764

However it does not stop here. Me to We goes the extra mile by encouraging these mamas to take part in financial literacy and leadership training, presenting them with an unprecedented opportunity to acquire new skills and knowledge, and transforming them into leaders who have the ability to positively impact their communities.

What intrigues me about this organization is its commitment towards creating shared value. They do so by improving the livelihood and skills of these Maasai mamas, and reconceiving its product, allowing consumers to take part in this conscious world changing activity one transaction at a time. By infusing the best business practices, products that are highly sustainable and rich in culture, and a world changing spirit, I have faith that these organizations have the capability to transform our world into a better place.