Small Businesses


In this October 2013 article from CBC Business News, we hear of the rise of small business. Statistics given in the article state that sixty-two percent of small business owners believe their business will flourish back even more in 2014 and fifty-five percent believe that their business will continue to grow. What we are seeing here is the rising popularity of small businesses; it is increasingly common to shop at small local, specialized stores. These businesses rely on dedicated local customer bases with the offer of valid points of difference. The points of difference often are based on fulfilling a particular specialized need, such as smaller teashops or boutiques, which can offer a unique product. They also boast the benefit of revamping local economies, consumers feel as if they are helping out the community. There is however a chance of chain stores taking away business from the smaller stores as they will be able to offer cheaper products due to buyer’s preference, or the fact that they possess enough money to be able to run their competition out. In recent years however local customer bases, generally relying on social media, have been able to keep the stores in business and help them flourish.

Will Drivers Ever Accept Driverless cars?


One of the new robotic cars to be tested on public roads.


In this BBC article from July 2013 it is revealed that driverless cars will begin to be tested on public roads. The idea of self-driving cars has been in production for many years, with cars being designed with such features as cruise control and “self parking”. Theses features are steps towards the eventual, fully self-operational car. However it is important to note what the market for this kind of vehicle would actually exist. The question that arises is whether people would ever be fully comfortable with riding as a passenger in a driverless car, will people feel completely safe in a situation, which is out of their control? The tests on the cars are a step in the right direction. Performing safety tests on a variety of roads under various conditions will solidify the position of these cars as a viable safe option. However, the stigma of having an automated system in charge of a vehicle, instead of a human being, is not widely accepted. For Driverless cars to become an accepted form of transportation, users would have to be certain without a shadow of a doubt that the car will be safe.




Logo for car chare company Car2go

Article Source:

Like many UBC students, a large part of the cars I see daily are the Car2go smart cars, which can be found all over Campus. Car2go is a car sharing service that allows users to borrow a car and drop it off at a different location. Car2go boasts a impressive business model, and they Market themselves as an environment conscious company as it can eliminate the need to buy a car if you are an infrequent driverThis article, from the Ubyssey was written in February of 2012, and the main criticism was the lack of on campus locations. A year and a bit down the road they have expanded and opened more locations throughout campus. This was an ideal move for Car2g0, their system will cut costs for university students who will no longer need to maintain their own vehicles, or pay for a parking pass. They are convenient for student commuters as they are plentiful on campus and can be used one way or for round trips, useful for those rainy evenings where bussing is not desirable. Universities are ideal markets for car sharing programs, further expansion of the system would result in more users of the system, and an ideal move for the company would be to introduce the program at other universities.