
Logo for car chare company Car2go

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Like many UBC students, a large part of the cars I see daily are the Car2go smart cars, which can be found all over Campus. Car2go is a car sharing service that allows users to borrow a car and drop it off at a different location. Car2go boasts a impressive business model, and they Market themselves as an environment conscious company as it can eliminate the need to buy a car if you are an infrequent driverThis article, from the Ubyssey was written in February of 2012, and the main criticism was the lack of on campus locations. A year and a bit down the road they have expanded and opened more locations throughout campus. This was an ideal move for Car2g0, their system will cut costs for university students who will no longer need to maintain their own vehicles, or pay for a parking pass. They are convenient for student commuters as they are plentiful on campus and can be used one way or for round trips, useful for those rainy evenings where bussing is not desirable. Universities are ideal markets for car sharing programs, further expansion of the system would result in more users of the system, and an ideal move for the company would be to introduce the program at other universities.


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