Black Friday Inventory Blowout

Halloween is over and Christmas is right around the corner but for millions of Americans, the thanksgiving holidays are rapidly approaching. With thanksgiving comes the shopping event of the year, Black Friday, where thousands of shoppers line up for hours in an attempt to snag some incredible deals on items on their Christmas lists, Black Friday is the start of the holiday shopping rush. This night is insanely profitable for storeowners and corporations, who can turn a huge profit even with their products on discount. It is a night of inventory blowout, stores stockpile inventory and manage to sell it all in one evening. This racks in huge profit for the store, inventory that would often be idly collecting dust is being sold at rates that can not even be thought of on a normal shopping evening. The consumers often purchase products that they would never think to buy without the given incentive of huge savings, these additional customers lead to the liquidation of the stores inventory, only for them to have to restock for the customers who wish to peruse holiday shopping at a more leisurely pace.

Picture taken from here

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