High Fashion Crocs?

In her blog post Concerning Crocs trying to break into the high fashion footwear industry Amy Nixon makes some excellent points. She points out that no one will want to pay for a high fashion more expensive version of crocs when they can instead purchase a shoe with a brand image associated with being luxurious, expensive and fashionable. In order to break into this market segment crocs will need to reinvent their image. Many brands such as Apple, Target and Giant Tiger, have successfully done this in the past, so it is possible for Crocs. To do so Crocs will have to conduct expansive and well thought out marketing tactics. My suggestions for this are to create a secondary logo and perhaps a slightly altered brand name for this shoe line, which will distance itself from the perceived notion of the “tacky” croc shoe. Stirring up some hype around the release of the shoe will also be helpful people will want to see it as a novelty “crocs are trying to be fashionable now? If crocs want to be able to compete with big names in the high fashion shoe industry they have a lot of marketing ahead of them.

Picture taken from here

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