In Anita Campbell’s article What is Branding? And Should Small Businesses Care? the author bring up crucial points about the importance of branding. She states that branding is about creating an identity and I agree, branding is one of the most important actions you can take. Positioning you brand according to Porter’s five forces will give you an edge into break into an industry, which is essential for small businesses trying to make their way and find their spot within an industry. She comments you can’t afford not to do branding”, a statement I find noteworthy as it build a solid foundation for your business, everything will go back to your brand. Small business in particular need to understand the importance of properly branding their business, it will differentiate them from their competitors and create reliability for their brand that they are not immediately accorded as if they were part of a chain corporation. Chain stores of often perceived as being more reliable as they are a part of a series of stores with consistent reliability. For a consumer to choose to purchase from a small business they will have to buy into the image they have created for themselves via careful branding.

Picture taken from article.

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