Sweatshops Are Unethical.

In Shawn Wu’s blog post Sweatshops are unethical? He makes the point that “sweatshops are playing a positive roles by making the world a better place” and that “companies which are associated with sweatshops don’t hold a gun on their employees’ heads.”. I disagree with many of his points, just because working in a sweatshop is a better alternative then not working at all does not mean that it is okay to subject workers to terrible working conditions. While the people working in sweatshops are not forced to do so they have no alternative, profiting from another persons poor opportunities is not ethical. I also disagree that sweatshops are making the world a better place, capitalizing on human misery in order to reduce prices does not make the world a better place. I believe that if sweatshops were such a positive element of business procedures then corporations would be more open to divulging to the public what goes on behind the closed doors of their overseas factories. They keep this under wraps as they know that knowledge of this would create public outcry, and for good reason. Sweatshops are a good way for a corporation to cut costs, not to practice ethical business procedures.

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